
The 2024 Florida QSO Party was held the weekend of April 27th – 28th.

Activity was very solid again. Logs received are over 1100, with the mobile/expedition counties, and they represent over 160,000 QSOs.  1×1 sweeps of KEYS – 983. Log checking will modify these numbers slightly.  Solar flux was well over 200 the week before, but declined in the week of the FQP and a CME affected the first 4 hours.  10M wasn’t good until the last few hours when JA peaked S9+20, but most had given up on that band by then. Zoom calls to prep were started pre-event and will be expanded next year. Certificates for sweeping the 1x1s are now available for 2012-2023. Thanks very much for making the time to get on!


Saturday 16:00:00Z (Noon EDT) – Sunday 01:59:59Z (9:59:59 PM EDT)

Sunday 12:00:00Z (8 AM EDT) – 21:59:59Z (5:59:59 PM EDT)

2024 Florida QSO Party Spelling Bee. Click here for more information.

2024 FQP Planned Activity Page. Click here.

N3IW FQP Spotting Page. Note: Only Spelling Bee stations in Florida can self-spot. Click here


The 2023 Florida QSO Party results have been published. Click here to view them.


Since the re-introduction of the Florida QSO Party to the contest scene in 1998, the Florida QSO Party has become one of the fastest growing and most popular State QSO Parties around today. This is due, in part, to the tremendous effort by the mobile teams to activate as many counties as they can in order to allow those participating from out-of-state, to achieve a county “Sweep” (working all 67 Florida Counties). Florida stations operating from home are also valuable, since that increases the chances that stations will work all counties! Regardless if you are a serious or casual participant from Florida, or from outside of Florida, the Florida QSO Party was designed to be a FUN operating event. Why not give it a try.


Worked All Florida Award Information 

2024 FQP Flyer