Greetings from the K4KG/m team! George (K5KG) and I will be once again hitting the road this year as K4KG/m. A team goal will be to make it to ESC on Saturday night to operate from the only county in FL we haven’t yet activated. I wanted to mention to the out of state mixed mode and SSB only operators that we will QSY to SSB upon request and we do make an effort to do so from each county. Also, thanks to those domestic and DX stations who QSY to SSB for us although it often demands those stations scouring the shack for a microphone. These fine ops can often be found listed in the FQP results page under SSB check logs.
I haven’t seen any mention yet on the love bug situation so hopefully this is a good sign.
73, have lots of fun and be safe,
Hopefully we will have some condx to be able to find some of You mobiles. I guess 14 will be the band from upper Scandinavia. Will be looking for my 5 last cties: BRA GUL HOL MAD and OKA.
73 and drive safely de Jan SM5D
Wow it is hard to believe we are this close to 2017 FQP! I hope all the stations are getting tuned up. With condx being a little depressed we will need as many stations on the air as possible.